Larry Page Makes Fun Of Apple’s Lawsuits, Asks How Thermonuclear War Is Going
C.E.O. and co-founder of Google, Larry Page, recently sat down with Wired for an interview. Although not unexpected, one of the first topics discussed was Apple.
To be more specific, Wired asked Page about his thoughts on Steve Jobs’s comments about waging “thermonuclear war” on companies who Apple believed was copying its designs and using already patented ideas.
When asked about Jobs’s comments, Page responded with “How well is that working?” Google and Apple have been battling each other directly in terms of smartphones, operating systems, and patent wars recently. Page and others have criticized Apple about its use of patents to push other technology manufacturers out of the way.
Although Page doesn’t seem too fond of Apple’s court battles, he did admit that Apple has done some things very well.
“You know, we always have these debates: We have all this money, we have all these people, why aren’t we doing more stuff? You may say that Apple only does a very, very small number of things, and that’s working pretty well for them.”
What do you, the reader, think about Page’s comments? Is he right, or is Apple succeeding in their court battles and “thermonuclear war?” Let us know!