An Apple-Created HomeKit Application To Possibly Coming In IOS 10
While the idea of HomeKit is great, it integrates with Siri and can be used with a ton of connected devices, a lot is left to be desired. One of those things is a HomeKit application.
According to an Amazon reviewer, who claims to be work with the marketing department at Apple (verified via LinkedIn profile), Apple is preparing a first-party HomeKit application which will debut this fall, presumably with iOS 10.
As I work in marketing for Apple, we test many Smart Home devices, especially for iOS HomeKit integration. […]
Some advice, there are many third party applications, most free, that offer more control and customization(s) with many Smart Home devices. “Yonomi” is a free app that I often use, “Home” is another which cost $14.99. Both offer support for many devices with more added daily (including Amazon “Echo”). The next version of iOS due this fall will have a standalone “HomeKit” app as well.
While we’ve confirmed that the Amazon reviewer does indeed work at Apple, there’s still a chance that the company may shift its plan.
Apple has previously trademarked a HomeKit icon (pictured above), that could potentially be used for such an app. We suspect Apple to call the app “Home”, similar to how HealthKit has the Health app.