New Kickstarter Project, Vloggr, Looks To Make Vlogging From An IPhone Quick And Simple
If you are a person who likes to vlog (video blogging), wants to vlog, and has an iPhone, you may be interested in this Kickstarter project. Embedded above is the video for “Vloggr”, a Kickstarter project looking to raise $6,000 to complete the goal of bringing a mobile editing application – aimed towards vloggers – to iPhone.
What this app would let you do is shoot, edit, and publish your vlogs all from the comfort of your iOS device. Of course, mobile editing applications make my mind jump to iMovie, what is different? Well looking at the video and the app’s Kickstarter page, what this does is takes the clips and arranges them as you record them, which is the style most vlogs are, and you can then preview, do some editing depending on what you want, and publish it right from there.
It seems like a really cool idea, if you’re a vlogger or want to get into it. I personally am not into that as I don’t really have the time (nor boldness), but can definitely see why some people would like this application. You can check it out here if you want to back it: Vloggr.
What do you think? Looking to give this a try? Will this get you into vlogging? Let us know in the comments