Jailbreak: MessageBox Brings Facebook Chat Heads To Home Screen
If you felt left out by Facebook Home as an iOS user, you probably weren’t much happier when Facebook updated its app to include Chat Heads for iOS, mainly because they were limited to only being available in the app.
Unlike Facebook Home, the company could not bring Chat Heads to the home screen of the iPhone due to Apple’s closed source nature. Fortunately, jailbreaking alleviates many of the issues with a closed source platform, and Facebook users should be happy to learn that jailbreaking can even bring Chat Heads to the iOS home screen.
MessageBox is a new tweak available on Cydia that brings the Chat Heads to the forefront of iOS, including over any other app that you launch. The messaging feature works in the same way as the Facebook app, meaning they are present until they are dragged to the bottom of the screen and closed.
This tweak is a cool feature for Facebook addicts that use the messaging system a lot. It is worth noting, however, that the Facebook app must remain open in the background in order for this tweak to work.
Are you willing to try MessageBox on your iPhone? Do you like Chat Heads, or do you think they are a useless feature? Leave us a comment and let us know!