Bump Update Takes Away Feature To Share ITunes Media
It isn’t everyday that an application gets updated to take away a feature, however that is what has happened here. That’s right, Bump has been update to remove a feature, and that feature is one some will be sad to see go.
With version 3.5.8, Bump is no longer able to share iTunes library media between devices. When opening the panel to share music users are granted with the above banner that states:
We’re sorry, but we are no longer permitted to access audio files from the iTunes library on this device.
Here is the full change log from iTunes:
What’s New in Version 3.5.8
New in 3.5.8:
+ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
+ We’re sorry, but we are no longer permitted access to iTunes audio files on the device. Removing access to iTunes audio files in the file sharing section.
If you use this feature, than updating would not be something you want to do. However, if you are okay with going on to update, you can get that here: Bump.
What do you think? Sad to see this feature go? Wondering if it will come back in some form? Let us know in the comments.