Ready Case: The Ultimate All-In-One Case For The IPhone 5?
Imagine the ultimate, all-in-one case for the iPhone. It has things like a place to wind up your headphone cable, a built in USB stick that acts as a stand, a pocket knife, bottle opener and easy snap-on ring for add-on lenses. That’s exactly what the Ready Case is. It’s essentially a Swiss Army iPhone case.
Having all these built in features surely makes for a chunky case, right? Wrong. It’s only 3mm thin, taking your iPhone 5 back up to the thickness of an iPhone 4 (which is hardly fat.) Right now, the Ready Case is on IndieGogo and needs some more pledges to get it up and running. But, with 30 days still to go, it’s only $4k short of its $15k target.
Pledges start as low as $40 for the 8GB version. It also comes in a 16GB flavor, or you can opt for the set with lenses included. Just in case you’re still rocking a 4/4S, they’ve got you covered. They have versions for the 4th, 5th and 6th generation iPhone.
If this sounds like something you’d love to have, check the video below, and head on over to the pledging page and make sure this accessory gets built. It’s possibly the coolest idea I’ve ever seen.