IOS 6 Brings “Complete My Album” Natively To The Music App
A new feature was just noticed within the redesigned Music application in iOS 6. It’s not necessarily a completely new concept, however. In iOS 5, Apple included a “Store” button that would take users directly to the iTunes Store to purchase music.
In iOS 6, they take it one step further. Now, when you are browsing your music, and say you don’t have an entire album, you will get the button shown above.
When tapping this, it will show all the songs in that album, and you can purchase them directly from the Music application. This makes finding a purchasing new music easier and faster than before. It’s a simple yet very useful feature.
The Videos application has gotten this as well, however instead of suggesting the Albums it will show the seasons for television show episodes.
For some reason though, the button only appears if navigating through the “Albums” section, and no other. Also songs can not currently be previewed, only purchased.
They can still be previewed in the dedicated iTunes application though. Hopefully those are both changed come the public release this fall. This does not seem to work currently for iTunes Match subscribers yet.
On the flip side of things, there is now a Listen button by songs in the iTunes Store which have been purchased, and it will, obviously, play the song without needing to go to the Music app. This feature is again, small but useful.
What do you think? Do you like the little details Apple has been adding into iOS 6? Still unhappy with the update? Let us know in the comments.