Semi-Tethered Jailbreak For IOS 5 Launched, No IPhone 4S Jailbreak Yet.
For those of you in the jailbreak scene, you’ll be glad to know that a not-entirely tethered jailbreak has been released for iOS 5. Of course, iOS 5 has been jailbreak-able virtually since the first beta was launched in June. However, it’s always been a tethered jailbreak.
A tethered jailbreak differs to an untethered jailbreak in that you have to plug your iPhone in to your PC/Mac every time you reboot your device. It can be pretty frustrating, especially if your device switches off while you’re on the road, with no access to a computer.
In this case your phone will restart and be stuck on the Apple logo until you can get it hooked up to your computer. An untethered jailbreak gives much better peace of mind, and will keep your iPhone working fully even after shutting down and restarting.
So, what’s a semi-tethered jailbreak? In short, it’s a mix between the two. If your device reboots while out in the middle of nowhere, it won’t be completely useless. When powered back up, your device will be usable, but with limited functionality. The following are still accessible:
1) Can use phone, sms (text messages)
2) Can use every other stock app on iphone.
3) Cannot use mobile safari
4) Can use other appstore web browsers such as atomic web browser
5) Cannot use mail app. You could install a gmail app from appstore or such instead.
6) You cannot use any jailbreak tweak, app, cydia until you boot tethered.
7) While in the semitether booted state, you should not add a jailbreak ios5 notification such as sbsettings to notifications during this state or your device will be stuck in a respring loop until you get home to “boot tethered”.
There have been some teething issues with this jailbreak. However, the latest update should solve them. For full details on the semitethered jailbreak hit this link: It’s important to note this jailbreak won’t work on the iPhone 4S. The dev-team are still working on the dual-core processor. We’ll keep you posted on it as it develops.