Adriana’s Fav IOS Stuff This Month
As usual, there’s lots going on in our i-world. Here are some of my favorite recent things:
Apple released iOS 4.2 Golden Master for developers. (Sounds like a kung fu movie, no? “Golden Master, Hidden Features” or something.) The senseis of tech fu are already letting the masses know what we can expect from the new version of the software. (iPad owners, especially, will want to stay tuned to this.)
Creative people and their crazy projects — like this mongo 56-inch touchscreen iPhone TABLE. No, not “tablet” but “table” (without the “t”), which works with a jailbroken iPhone to control the device.
I have no words to describe the Table.Connect. You’ve either got to be the world’s biggest iFankid or have some really ginormous fingers to justify this thing. And yet, I can’t stop staring at it. Here’s a vid of the prototype:
This one’s for news junkies: Not only did PBS release its own NewsHour iPhone app, but The New York Times replaced its “Editor’s Choice” iPad app this month with a new one that offers more content to NY Times subscribers.
Of course, that’s a double-edged sword — the NYT content is free temporarily, but will be based on the subscription model, which will put some users out of luck. If you’re a paid customer, though, it’s pretty sweet.
The SeeSee app offers a near-WinPho7 photo viewing experience. Best part? You can download camera roll pics and vids to your computer via Wifi. That alone is totally worth the $2 price tag.
My favorite paper notebook maker + iOS device = me, doing a happy dance. Moleskine’s iPad and iPhone covers protect the gadgets and adds a much-needed (at least for me) way to jot a thought without swiping to unlock, tapping my code, launching my note app, etc… Even the elastic band to close is charming. It’s just simple, basic and perfect.
I’m a Comcast subscriber. I have some pretty torn feelings about that, but what I’m not torn about is the Comcast iPhone app update 2.5. Biggest bonus here? Being a “triple play” customer who can now get push notifications when a call comes in on my home phone, with Caller ID, and the ability to forward home phone calls to my device via the app. That’s just sweet.
iPhashionistas, unite: MANGO mania has hit the iPhone! The fashion company launched an iPhone app that offers info on MANGO’s latest promotions and exclusive discounts. Users can buy online, and even “try on clothes” in the application.
Do I need to say it? Four words: Angry Birds Halloween edition. $1 on the iPhone/iPod Touch and $2 on the iPad buys 45 new levels of pig-popping fun amid exploding pumpkins and a Halloween backdrop.
Apple approved the Skyfire app! Will it live up to the promise of enabling Flash videos (converted to HTML5 on the fly)? Any moment now, we’ll get to see it up close for ourselves.
Last but not least, PhoneDog giving away a huge pile of iPads free is nothing to sneeze at. But the best part is that they allow people to have multiple entries, for an increased chance of winning. If I didn’t work for them, I’d be all over this.
What are your favorite recent iOS news, happenings and updates? Weigh in at the comments section below.