Spring Is In The Air! Top 5 Baseball Apps
Can you smell that?
I do! The hot dogs are cooking, the sound of wooden bats cracking as they hit a baseball, and the vendors walking up and down the aisles calling peanuts, cotton candy and beer, are here!
Yes baseball season is rapidly approaching, and I want to show you how you can always be connected with your iPhone. There are several apps that can give you scores, but there are a few out there that can do so much more. So without further ado, here are my top 5 baseball applications for this upcoming baseball season.
5. Sporting News Baseball
Price: Free
However buggy the first version of this app was, it has made a definite improvement. This application will allow you to keep track of multiple games at once while still retrieving individual stats on the fly.
I like it because I am able to keep an eye on my fantasy players from multiple teams, which I wouldn’t normally be able to do unless I was sitting in front of my computer. You may still experience glitching from time to time, but for a free app, this is a must-have.
(link to iTunes here)
.4. iScore Baseball Scorekeeper
Price: $9.99
Now I will say that this app is not for everyone, but you will find those who like to keep track of individual statistics as the game is being played. (You know those guys who sit in the stands with a scorecard and a miniature pencil, feverishly writing down the starting lineups…me included.) The downside to this application is that it only focuses on batting stats.
(Link to iTunes here)
.3.MyFantasyTeams – Professional Edition
Price: $3.99
Ok, so maybe I am a geek, dork or whatever else you may want to call me, but this is almost as cool as sliced bread. This app allows you to not only watch the players on your fantasy team, but it also allows you to manage a league right from your iPhone. You want to pull the trigger on that trade? Done! Now go download this before they jack the price up.
(Link to iTunes here)
2. ESPN Radio
Price: $2.99
Now this may seem an odd choice as a baseball app, but hear me out: How many times have you been trying to drive to the stadium and found yourself stuck in traffic, and all you have is the local sports talk station to listen to? Well unfortunately, I have been there too many times to admit.
I have found this application quite useful when stuck in traffic. It allowed me to listen to any show, whether it was live or downloaded as a podcast.
(Link to iTunes here)
.1. MLB.com At Bat 2010
Price: $14.99
Without a doubt, this is the best application there is for any baseball fans who find themselves stuck in front of a computer. trying to see how their team is doing. Yes, this app will cost you $14.99, but you gain full access to EVERY game and can listen to either broadcasting team announcing that game.
This application also allows you to see one live game every day right from your iPhone. The only down side to this program is the fact that it jumped up in price $5.00 over last year. But use this for one season, you will find that the price is well worth it.
(Link to iTunes here)