More Tablet Rumors: It’s Going To Be A Wacky Wednesday
With January 27th just around the corner, it seems we can’t get enough Apple Tablet gossip.
Over at BGR, they’ve got a man on the inside at Verizon Wireless, who’s mentioned some interesting things. First, the carrier has kick-off events every quarter — to show off new plans, devices and ideas for the Big Red Dog — for store managers across America.
But this time, they’re having this quarter’s “kick off” on January 27. That’s right, the same day Apple is rumored to unveil its new tablet. And apparently everyone at this week’s event will be viewing a live webcast at 1PM.
What time did Apple say they will be having their event? Oh yeah that’s right — at 10AM PST. If you know your time zones like I do, you’ll realize this is the same as 1PM EST. Could we be seeing the Apple logo show up at your local VZW store?
Oh, and here’s something else to help make those burning ears of yours even hotter: Steve Jobs has been overheard by close friends and senior Apple Execs, stating that the tablet “will be the most important thing I’ve ever done.”
Even more important than the iPhone, which has changed the entire mobile industry? Let’s just hope that’s not a lot of hot air. Knowing Apple though, we should expect the unexpected — and be ready for something truly revolutionary.